Russian Tank Mine - Pictures of captured mines showed the Special Operations Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This is the latest Russian weapon used by terrorists against armored vehicles of Ukrainian Defense Forces units.

Russian Tank Mine

Russian Tank Mine

"In the area of ​​Kharkiv, during special operations, our soldiers captured a modern weapon of Russian engineering - PTKM-1R," said the Ukrainian SOF Command.

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The fact that pirates are using such mines came to light in May this year. A picture with these weapons was then published by the Ministry of State Defense of Ukraine.

The system has a combined carrier-launch and attack (rescue) element, and weighs about 20 kilograms. The mine can only be installed by hand.

The carrier-launcher is a positional device with 8 hinged legs, an explosive device, a power source, a rotating platform with an electric gear, a guide with 4 hinged acoustic sensors mounted on it, a piston and a charge.

In the transport area, the legs of the installation device and the acoustic sensors are fixed in a folded structure through the closing ring. A seismic target sensor is placed on one of the legs.

Tm 89 Russian Anti Tank Mine 3d Model $8

The attack element consists of an explosive shaped penetrator (EFP) attack unit, an explosive device, a power source, two pulse jet engines, infrared sensors and radar.

The warhead is fixed in the direction of loading and opening the device. The attack element includes the house, charge, shooting destroyer and liner. Pulse jet engines are placed at an angle to the axis of the fighter.

The operational zone is a linear circle with a firing range of 50 meters. The battle penetration level is said to be about 70 mm. You can read more about the principle of operation of the Russian anti-tank mine in our previous Panther US Army mine clearance variant of the Patton M60 tank. It is made of mining rollers and operated by remote control.

Russian Tank Mine

A mine roller or mine dredge is a demining device mounted on a tank or armored personnel carrier, designed to destroy anti-tank mines. It allows diners to clear a path through a mine protected by fire.

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This equipment usually consists of a fork or two pusher arm assemblies mounted on the front of the tank body, with two banks of rollers that can be lowered in front of the tank. Each bank has heavy wheels with short, elongated steel beams, which provide a higher ground pressure than tank tanks. This enables the detonation of compressed anti-tank mines, which can explode under the track itself.

During the First World War, British Army engineers Major Giffard LeQuesne Martel and Major Charles Inglis tested tank bridges and mine rollers based on the Mark V tank. Three special teams of tanks were assembled for testing at Christchurch in Hampshire, Gwarren, in 1918. at the Armistice, these were not tested in battle, but further development work continued with the Experimental Bridging Company until 1925.

After the great problems caused by the minefields in the Winter War against Finland, the Soviet Red Army distributed P.M. Mugalev at the Dormashina Factory in Nikolayev to make mine removal vehicles. Prototypes based on the T-28 medium tank were tested in 1940. Development was interrupted by the beginning of World War II, but resumed in 1942. Underwhelming tests on the T-60 and KV tank chassis, but only the T-34 and the. it was thought to have sufficient transmission and clutch power.

An experimental batch of PT-34 minesweeper tanks was formed in May 1942, and saw action in Voronezh in August. The first Gineer Indepdt Tank Regimt was covered with eight mine rollers in October 1943. Five divisions were formed during the war.

Russian Tank Mine 62m Tnt Block Installed Necessary Clearance Mines Stock Photo By ©arlug 460767946

The large rolling fork of the PT-34 was semi-permanently mounted on the T-34 or T-34-85 tank. The rollers were often removed from the movement, and were only used for demining duties. Later tank modifications included two light arms. The Mugalev system was adopted by the US and Israeli forces in the 1980s.

During the Second World War, the Germans developed an experimental Raumer S 4-wheel armored mine-clearing vehicle, built by Krupp. Weighing 130 tons, the prototype was taken by the Americans during the war.

The British developed their Anti Mine Roller Attachmt (AMRA) Matilda II, Valtine, and Crusader tanks in the desert. The rollers only covered the width of each track instead of opening a wide track for the tank to follow the vehicles and troops. To these was added the Churchill tank with the inspiring name "Canadian Indestructible Roller Device" (CIRD). The British used mine rollers to detect the presence of minefields and used mines to clear them.

Russian Tank Mine

During World War II, the most common mine roller used by the US military was the T1E3 Mine Exploder unit, attached to the M4 Sherman medium tank. She was nicknamed Aunt Jemima because of her cake-like appearance. It had two sets of five disc rollers, each 10 feet (3.0 meters) in diameter. What appears to be the most advanced Russian anti-tank and anti-vehicle mine, which has never been seen in action, looks like PTKM-1R (ПТКМ-) 1Р). This was found on April 26 in Ukraine Credit: Neil Gibson / Twitter

Meng Model: 1/35; Russian Main Battle Tank T 72b3m W/ Kmt 8 Mine Clearing System Meng Model Me Ts053

A never-before-seen anti-tank mine discovered in Ukraine can jump into the air and attack the top of a turret.

The Russian PTKM-1R surface attack mine was discovered on April 26. Although it is known to exist, this is the first time the weapon has been seen in operational use.

Sensors on the pool listen to the sound of oncoming vehicles and interpret ground vibrations to compare them to a list of pre-programmed targets.

The mine, which is understood to have been brought into service by the Russian military in 2020, is similar to the US M-93 "Hornet" large-area munition.

Russian Antitank Mine Tm62m Tnt Block Stockfoto 1717000801

Militaries around the world have been rushing to develop so-called weapons of war in recent years as the knowledge of military weapons is being developed rapidly.

Armor often included steel plates, which added weight to the vehicle, lowering it to the ground and creating stopping problems. However, modern ceramic materials can achieve the same protection, but at a lower load on the car body.

As with hand-held anti-tank weapons, researchers have been developing weapons to go above the vehicle in order to attack the less protected top of the turret.

Russian Tank Mine

This can kill the crew or cause the weapons to explode, or destroy the tank's engines, rendering the vehicle inoperable.

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Once positioned with eight legs to keep the weapon stationary, the PTKM-1R's four acoustic sensors "wake up" when the vehicle approaches closer than 100m (328ft).

The upper part of the weapon - weighing 20kg (45lbs), including the 2.8kg (6.2lbs) high explosive war - is tilted towards the threat at 30 degrees.

The control unit compares sounds and vibrations to a pre-programmed list of potential targets. When the unit decides to attack, it fires a charge if the vehicle is 50m (164ft) away.

Two seconds later, at an altitude of about 30m (98ft), the warhead radar and infrared seeker look down to find the target.

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A metal slug, usually made of copper, is then blown at high speed towards the tank. This explosive projectile travels so fast that it can penetrate 70mm (2.75 inches) of metal traditional tank armor and will tear through the thin plates on top of the turret or rear of the vehicle. An anti-tank mine (abbreviated to "AT mine") is a type of mine designed to damage or destroy vehicles including tanks and military vehicles.

Compared to anti-personnel mines, anti-tank mines tend to have a much larger explosive charge, and the fuze is designed to be triggered by a vehicle or, in some cases, away from or by impact on a tank.

The first anti-tank tanks were developed during the First World War as a countermeasure to the first tanks introduced by the British towards the end of the war. First, he was nothing more than a high explosive crater or an earthen bomb hidden by its vertical mist. Later, purpose-built mines were developed, including the Flachmine 17, which was simply a wooden box filled with explosives and triggered by distance or pressure. By the end of the war, the Germans had developed mine routes, and mines accounted for 15% of tank deaths in the United States during the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, the Third Battle of the Aisne, the Battle of the Selle and the Meuse. -Argonne Offensive.

Russian Tank Mine

The Soviet Union began developing mines in the early 1920s, and in 1924 developed its first anti-tank mine, the EZ mine. The mine, designed by Yegorov and Zelinskiy, had a charge of 1 kg, which was enough to break the tracks of modern tanks. Meanwhile, in Germany, the defeat was driving the development of anti-tank mines, with the first modern mine, Tellermine 29, entering service in 1929. It was a disc made of a disc about 30 cm across filled with about 5 kg of height. explosives. The second mine, Tellermine 35, was created in 1935. Anti-tank mines were used by both sides during the Spanish Civil War. In fact, the Republican forces took landmines planted by the Nationalist forces and used them against the Nationalists. This prompted the development of anti-tank mine protection equipment.

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