Ruger Pistol 9mm - Pistols All compact rimfire pistols New models. Distributor Exclusive Pistols Available in CA Pistols Available in MA. LCP® LCP® II LCP® MAX LC380® Security-380® EC9s® MAX-9® Security- 9® -5 Serial Number Search Instructions. ® Pistol SR1911® PC Charger™ SR22® Mark IV™ 22 Charger™ Silent-SR® Silent-SR® ISB LCP® LCP® II LCP® MAX LC380® Security-380® EC9s® MAX-9® LCP® LCP® MAX LC380 ® Security-380® EC9s® MAX-9® Security-9® -5.7™ American® Pistol Duty Compact Competition SR1911® Full Size Target Commander Style Officer Style Competition PC Charger™ LCP® II SR22® Mark IV ™ Hunter Competition Tactical Standard Sight 22/45™ 22/45™ Lite 22/45™ Tactical 22 Charger™ Silent-SR® Silent-SR® ISB LCP® LCP® II LCP® MAX LC380® EC9s® Security-380® MAX- 9® Security -9® -5.7™ American® Pistol SR1911® SR22® Mark IV™ 22 Charger™ LCP® LCP® II LCP® MAX LC380® EC9s® Security-380® MAX-9® Security-9® -5.7™ American ® Pistol Duty Compact Competition SR1911 ® Full Size Target Commander Style Official cer-Style Competition SR22® Mark IV™ 22 Charger™ Revolvers All Double Action Single Action New Models Exclusive Distributor Revolvers Available at CA Revolvers MA Search by Serial Number LCR® SP101® GP Manual 100® Super Redhawk1 Super Redhawk ® Bearcat® Wrangler® New Model Single-Six® New Model Blackhawk® New Model Super Blackhawk® Vaquero® LCR® SP101® Standard Match Champion® GP100® Standard Match Champion® Super GP100 ® Redhawk® Super Redhawk® Standard Alaskan Bearcat® Wrangler® New Model Single-Six® Single-Ten® Single-Nine® Single-Seven™ Convertible Standard New Model Blackhawk® Blued Stainless Convertible Bisley™ New Model Super Blackhawk® Standard Bisley ™ Hunter Rifles Bisley™ Hunter Vaquero® Blued Stainless Bisley™ SASS® All Left Handed Single Shot Single Shot Centerfire Auto Shotguns New Models Distributor Exclusives Precision® Serial Number Finder Guide Precision® Centerfire Rifle American® Rifle American® Scout Rifle Rif le Hawkeye® 77 -Series PC Carbine™ LC Carbine™ AR-556® SFAR™ 10/22® Mini-14® #1 Silent-SR® Silent-SR® ISB Precision® Rifle Precision® Rimfire e American® Rifle Standard Predator Ra nch GO Wild® Camo Hunter Compact Vortex® Crossfire II® American® Rimfire Standard Compact Wood Stock Long Range Target ® Scout Rifle Hawkeye® Hunter FTW Hunter Long Range Hunter Long Range Target Predator Compact Laminate Compact African Alaskan Guide 77 77/44 77/357 ™ 77/22 77/17 #1 AR-556® Standard MPR Free-Float Handguard SFAR™ PC Carbine™ LC Carbine™ 10/22® Carbine Takedown Lite Target Compact Tactical Sporter Competition Mini-14® Ranch Tactical Mini Thirty® Precision® Rimfire American® Rimfire Standard Compact Wood Stock Long Range Target 10/22® Carbine Takedown Lite Target Compact Tactical Sportsman Competition 77-Series 77/17 Precision® Rifle American® Rifle Standard Wild® Ranch Camo Hunter Compact Vortex® Crossfire II® ® Scout Rifle PC Carbine™ LC Carbine™ Ha wkeye® Hunter FTW Hunter Long Range Hunter Long Range Target Predator Compact Laminate Compact African Alaskan Handgun 77-Series 77/44 77/357™ 77/22 AR-556® Standard MPR Free-Float Handguard SFAR™ Mini-14® Ranch Tactical Mi ni Thirty® Precision® Rifle Precision® Rifle American® Rifle American® Rimfire ® Scout Rifle Hawkeye® 77-Series AR-556® SR-22® 10 /22® Mini-14® #1 Precision® Rifle American® Rifle American® Rimfire ® Scout Rifle Hawkeye® 77-Series AR-556® SR-22® 10/22® Mini-14® #1 Custom Shop Accessories Magazines & Loaders Grips Triggers Bags, Holsters & Holsters Stocks, Combs & Cheek Pads Slings & Swivel Holsters Holsters, Flashlights & Lasers Optics, Optics & Mounts Obstacle Rings Barrels & Muzzle Mounts Bipods & Monopods Firearms Search

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Ruger Pistol 9mm

Ruger Pistol 9mm

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Gun Test: Ruger Ec9s — Ruger's Best Buy 9mm

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Sturm, & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of durable and reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. With products made in America, Marlin offers consumers nearly 800 choices from more than 40 Marlin brand product lines. For nearly 75 years, Sturm, & Co., Inc. was an example of corporate and social responsibility. Our motto "Gunmakers for Responsible Citizens®" reflects our commitment to these principles as we strive to deliver quality and innovative firearms. Ruger Security-9 Review: A Value 9mm Pistol Colonel Ben reviews the Ruger Security Value. 9mm pistol for under $300. Is it worth the price? Is this gun accurate and reliable for personal defense? Ben goes over the pros and cons of this budget gun to help you decide if it's right for you. He uses his specific criteria, looks at the features and characteristics of the gun, and expresses his personal opinion and preference. This can save you time and serve as a starting point for your research into choosing the best gun for you and your budget.

I've reviewed a lot of 9mm pistols recently, and last month I posted here my top 5 9mm pistols in 5 categories. However, some ask, how about a list of recommended and reliable 9mm pistols under $300. it will be reliable and will do the job of individual protection. So I've researched, shot, and tested several basic non-featured pistols and compiled a list of the best 9mm pistols under $300. They don't "break the wallet" and offer basic features with enough power to protect yourself. There are quite a few 9mms for under $300, but I would recommend the ones that I have no doubt about their accuracy, reliability and price based on 10 criteria. Remember, I am looking at VALUE pistols that can be had for less than $300 after purchase. I focused on what other instructors told me, what I learned from my research, and the comments of military and law enforcement officials I respect. However, of course, my budget list is very subjective and therefore your list will not conflict with your experience, subjective opinions and criteria. One of my finalists was the Ruger Security-9, and here is my evaluation and testing of it.

Ruger's Security-9 pistol uses the same reliable Secure Action system found in Ruger's successful LCP II, with an accurate, short and smooth trigger. The Ruger Security-9 system uses an internal spiral hammer instead of a firing pin to facilitate the slide stop. It is a precocked, hammer fired, double action only. For safety purposes, the Ruger Security-9 features a trigger safety, a manual thumb safety, and a hammer grip that prevents the pistol from firing when the trigger is not pulled. It has a Browning type lock, beveled barrel. This rugged pistol has features typically found in much more expensive pistols and doesn't pretend to be "cheap". The trigger, like the firing pin in automatic weapons, is partially cocked by moving the bolt back. Pulling the trigger completes the cocking cycle to fire the pistol. Being a double-action pistol, it offers a one-of-a-kind trigger feel with a short and precise trigger point.

Ruger Max 9 Nts 9mm

I've listed the dimensions, specs and features of the Ruger Security-9 below so you can see the similarities in size and dimensions to the popular but more expensive Glock 19 listed here. I then provide my ten criteria and the results of my field test and evaluation of its performance and features against my criteria. You can compare its specs and rating to my 21 Best Concealed Carry Guns in my book Concealed Carry and Handgun Basics. You can add or subtract from my criteria to suit your needs and preferences. I would like to shoot the budget Security-9 and compare it to my other quality compact 9mm pistols and see if it really ranks among my best compact pistols for concealed carry, even as a budget pistol. I would really like to know if I recommend it.

Thanks to Ruger for lending me this gun to test and evaluate. Please keep in mind that I am not on their payroll, they were not paid for this article, and I was not influenced to say certain things about guns. I want to be honest and truthful with my thoughts and ideas when I see a gun to really help people. Specifically, I wanted to know how accurate it is out of the box, without modifications? How hard was the trigger pull? Is the trigger smooth and accurate? How about resetting the distance for subsequent shots? Are you sure? What are its advantages, disadvantages and unique features? Are there any problems or issues that would prevent me from carrying this gun? What would I change about this gun? Is this a gun you would recommend for concealed carry and home defense?

First, I would like to present the specifications and some of the features of the Ruger Security-9 9mm pistol. I will then give you my holster recommendation for the Safety-9 (with a special discount code) and then tell you the 10 criteria I use to evaluate all pistols. Finally, I present my analysis and how I rate the gun on each of my criteria.

Ruger Pistol 9mm

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